Green New Deal

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If half of the world implemented a Green New Deal with the ambition level of the EU, Earth Overshoot Day could move by 42 days within the next 10 years.

What is the solution?

Creating economic plans which take ecological necessities into account and establishing a Green New Deal in half of the world.

How does it #MoveTheDate?

If public investments and economic strategies were used to aggressively shift resource trajectory, the sustainability transformation would be accelerated and poor investments that could lead to stranded assets would be avoided.

How is it scalable?

At this time, economic plans and climate initiatives are seen as separate. By building ecological necessities into economic plans, far more countries and regions could effectively start to shift their resource dependence.

What is the solution?

Creating economic plans which take ecological necessities into account and establishing a Green New Deal in half of the world.

How does it #MoveTheDate?

If public investments and economic strategies were used to aggressively shift resource trajectory, the sustainability transformation would be accelerated and poor investments that could lead to stranded assets would be avoided.

How is it scalable?

At this time, economic plans and climate initiatives are seen as separate. By building ecological necessities into economic plans, far more countries and regions could effectively start to shift their resource dependence.

The Green New Deal slogan emerged in the US, reminiscent of the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration’s pre world-war II New Deal. The main concept is to combine the need for investments with solving the great challenges of our time: climate change, inequality, job-creation. Many other regions in the world have picked up on the idea, particularly the EU.

The Green New Deal has huge potential to move the date. If it were to enable the EU to accomplish its goal of reducing carbon emissions by 55% by 2030, and if half the world followed suit, Earth Overshoot Day would move by 42 days in less than 10 years.

Drees & Sommer recognizes this critical moment in time and argues that “never before has the move towards a sustainable transformation been so crucial and necessary. Because since Earth Overshoot Day, we have been living at the expense of our planet Earth. As of this day, we are living beyond our means and consuming the resources of the future just to manage our present. However, living and working on ecological credits taken from future generations is not a viable and successful long-term strategy. Rather, we need to manage focused change to secure our long-term success.”

There’s no benefit in waiting!

Acting now puts you at a strategic advantage in a world increasingly defined by ecological overshoot. Countless solutions exist that #MoveTheDate. They’re creative, economically viable, and ready to deploy at scale. With them, we can make ourselves more resilient and #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day. If we move the date 6 days each year, humanity can be out of overshoot before 2050.